Doing Good to Others Increases Life Expectancy: Health Tips

Health Tips: Who does not want to live long? But how to gain a long life? Recently, researchers in the United Kingdom said that the key to longevity.

Therefore, the researchers said to dedicate themselves to the service of the people. They said that kindness increases human life expectancy. This information has been informed in a report of Time Online.

Researchers in England say that those who volunteer to feed the hungry and serve the sick benefit mentally and physically. Kindness instead of self-centeredness can prolong human life.

Researchers claim that those who volunteer may have a 22 percent lower mortality rate than those who do not.

In this context, researcher Suzanne Richards said that kindness frees people from depression and makes them aware of the good aspects of life. Benefiting people increases peace of mind as well as sociality and friendship.

Basically, peace of mind helps people to live longer.