Dandruff-Free Shiny Hair at Home Remedies in Winter

Dandruff-Free Shiny Hair at Home Remedies in Winter

Dandruff is a big panic for all of us. Not only the oily scalp but also those with dry scalp suffer from it. Winter is approaching. At this time dandruff seems to have broken the dam and spread all over the hair. The result is a lot of hair loss from the head. One of the reasons for the increase in its incidence in winter is that we almost all bathe in hot water in winter which causes the scalp to become dry. What many of us may not know is that too much winter or too much heat increases the risk of dandruff. If you want to get rid of dandruff naturally with the ingredients close at hand without using chemical products, read the whole article patiently, you will definitely benefit.


Soak 2/3 tablespoon fenugreek in water overnight and crush it very well the next day. Then mix one tablespoon of sour curd and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with it and apply it on the scalp for 30/35 minutes. Then wash and shampoo with cold water. Do it once a week.

Neem leaves:

Neem leaves are a very useful home remedy for dandruff. It is also very easy to use. Soak 2 handfuls of neem leaves in 4/5 cups of hot water overnight. You can wash your hair by straining the water in the morning or if you want, crush raw neem leaves and apply it on the scalp and wait for 1 hour. Then rinse with water. Do it twice a week.


Lemon is an ingredient that is beneficial for everything from skin to hair. However, never apply lemon juice directly. Because the acid in lemon juice can do more harm than good. Boil 3/4 lemon without peel in 4-5 cups of water for 20 minutes. When it is cold, wash your hair after shampooing with this solution. Talking about another pack to get rid of dandruff. Mix 1 a teaspoon of lemon juice with 5 teaspoons of coconut oil. Then apply it on the scalp and shampoo after 30-35 minutes. Lemon juice is a very useful home remedy for dandruff removal. This clears the flakes from the scalp.

Tea-Tree Oil:

Dandruff infestation occurs when too much oil is excreted on the scalp. But there are some oils that can control it. Tea-tree oil is one of them. This oil is extracted from leaves that have fungicidal properties inside. You will need one tablespoon of tea tree oil, 1 cup of hot water, and a spray bottle. Take hot water in a spray bottle. Shake well with oil. After shampooing, spray and massage the whole hair. Wait for the extra moisture to dry. But do not wash with water.

The White Part of the Egg:

Let's talk about this first. In this, we will use sour yogurt but it will take out the yogurt which was not in the fridge for 2-3 days. First, shake the white part of an egg well. With 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons yogurt. Apply this pack on the hair and wash the hair with herbal shampoo after 30-40 minutes.


Vinegar is one of the main ingredients to get rid of dandruff As a result of regular use, the potassium and enzyme in it cures scalp and dandruff. Take vinegar on a cotton pad. Apply it on the whole head. Apply 2 hours a week 1 hour before bathing.


Many of us know this compound and many do not. It is used to make mothballs and anti-itching creams. Mix a little camphor with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. If you do this every day, you will get rid of dandruff very quickly.


Although henna makes many of our hair rough, the juice of henna leaves removes many hair problems and its dandruff can be saved from dandruff. However, the night before applying this pack, massage the oil well into the hair so that the hair will not be rough. Boil 2 teaspoons of tea leaves in water. Wait until the water cools. Then mix together henna leaf powder or raw henna leaves, yogurt, a few drops of lemon juice. Then apply this paste on the hair roots and after half an hour wash the hair with cold water. Use the pack 1 time in 15 days for dandruff free hair.

Baking Soda:

Baking soda works very well as an anti-fungal and its use is also very simple. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a handful of shampoo and shampoo your hair. Do it once a week.

Lemon and Garlic:

Make a pack by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of garlic paste. This pack keeps us away from flakes. Garlic is a natural antibiotic that destroys the bacterial lineage around the scalp. Apply this anti-dandruff treatment on the hair for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with shampoo.

Onion Juice:

We all know that onion juice helps in hair growth. Another beneficial aspect is that it is also useful in curing dandruff. Apply onion paste on the scalp and wait for 1 hour. If the pungent smell of onion is uncomfortable for you, you can also mix a few drops of lemon juice.

A Mixture of Gram Flour and Curd:

Another home remedy for getting rid of dandruff is to make a paste by mixing 4 tablespoons of gram flour with 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Chickpea flour has the ability to absorb the oil from the scalp and thus prevent dandruff infection. Apply this pack before bathing and shampoo after 1 hour. If you want, you can just wash it with water.


The enzyme in apple removes dead skin cells. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice with 1 teaspoon of water and apply on the hair with the help of a cotton pad. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair with water.

Eat less junk food as it can make your skin oily and risk dandruff. Instead of these fried foods, eat zinc and vitamin B-rich foods and change some of your daily habits, such as combing your hair with a fresh clean comb every time you shampoo. Because after applying the pack, your hair gets rid of a lot of dandruff, but if you re-use the previous dandruff pillow cover, comb, and towel, but there will be no benefit.

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