Best Homemade Solution for Oily Hair

Best Homemade Solution for Oily Hair

Most people suffer from oily hair and oily scalp. They suffer from dandruff and many other problems. Especially the day after shampooing, the hair becomes sticky. As a result, dust and sand get stuck very easily and thousands of problems like hair fall and damage start. Oily scalps are those that secrete a lot of oil through the oil glands. And the main reason for this is unhealthy food and irregular lifestyle. This is due to the lack of vitamins A, B, and E. Fortunately, with some home remedies, we can get rid of the problem of oily hair. Today I will tell you some solutions to get rid of oily hair and scalp. However, I have already said that there is no need to try all the recipes. Choose any one according to your choice and availability of materials.

 Solution for Oily Hair

- Get started with a very simple solution for oily hair. Make a paste by mixing water with Multani soil according to the length and density of hair. Apply it on the hair and wait till it dries. Then rinse with water.

- Make a paste without carrots peel. Now apply it on the palm of the head and wait for 15 minutes. Then just rinse with water. Do this twice a week.

- Boil the tea leaves. Then strain the water and mix a little more water in it and apply it on the hair whenever you want. Tea contains tannic acid, which is a kind of astringent. It removes hair oil.

- Take one whole lemon juice and mix it with a cup of water. Then use it on the whole hair. Then rinse with warm-hot water.

- Take four tablespoons of mashed ripe banana with one teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of grapefruit or lemon juice. Now mix the ingredients very well. Your hair pack is ready. Massage the scalp with hair 30 minutes before bathing. Then wash with a mild shampoo.

- Now, will say is a special shampoo recipe for oily hair. Take 1 teaspoon of mild shampoo, aloe vera gel, and 1 tablespoon of honey. You can use this shampoo by keeping it in the fridge for 1 week.

- After each shampoo, wash your hair with a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar, and tea liqueur. These acidic ingredients work against excess oil in the hair.

- Mix a few drops of lemon juice with the yolk of 2 eggs. Then apply on wet hair and wait for 2-3 minutes. Then wash your hair with a shampoo that suits you.

- Make a paste with 5 tablespoons of sour yogurt, 1 tablespoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Then apply on clean hair and wait for 40 minutes. Then just wash your hair with water. Lemon juice closes the pores of the scalp. As a result oil production is low. On the other hand, sour yogurt reduces sweating on the scalp.

- Mint leaves are as beneficial for the facial skin as they are for the scalp. Boil 2 tablespoons mint leaves in 500 ml of water for 20 minutes. Then cool and strain. When shampooing, mix the mild shampoo with baby shampoo in a 2: 1 ratio. Take 2 parts mint leaf solution and 1 part shampoo.


Important tips:


- Since it is almost necessary to shampoo due to oily hair, it is better to use a mild shampoo.

- Never go out with oily hair, it will get more dirt in the hair.

- Do not oil your hair all night.

- Do not oil your hair more than twice a week.

- Whenever you shampoo, make sure that your shampoo is formulated for oily hair.

- Choose non-glazed oil to use the oil.

- Always keep the scalp clean and sweat-free. Because you may have noticed that after the hair becomes oily, it smells bad.


The above recipes are a long-term process, meaning you will benefit after using it for several days. But I want to end my article with a quick solution. Going out but the hair oil has become sticky lifeless. We all have white powder on hand, so quickly sprinkle some powder in the hair and wait for 5 minutes. Then comb your neat hair.

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